Our Leadership

Christopher Kendzierski

Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Christopher W. Kendzierski, Lic. Landscape Architect and President of Global World Design, LLC.

I have been in the green industry all of my life; childhood photos of me at the age of five with my father and the gardening power tools, substantiate my “roots” and beginning love for this industry.

The knowledge and experience that I have gained over 40+ years, especially through those early years have led me to some of the most important phases of my life including my wife whom I met while working on a Landscape project in 1997. My horticulture degree is from Cumberland County College and my landscape architecture degree is from Temple University along with my ASLA licensure. I’ve held numerous positions at some of the area’s most prestigious design/build firms, teaching assignments at Cumberland & Mercer County Colleges, along with speaking engagements including the NJASLA convention, are all consequences of my passion for this profession.

Other rewards of this profession have included receiving International Design/Build Awards, publications appearing in national magazines, and many commercial projects which have included the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (Green Roof), The Drumthwacket Foundation house and grounds, along with completing projects at the Philadelphia Zoo.

In addition, I have worked for some really great high-profile residential clients such as Wanya Morris (Boyz II Men), Queen Latifah, Marshall Mathers (Eminem), Mary J. Blige, Jon Bon Jovi, and many other really great local landscaping clients such as George E. Duffield, Sr. (National Integrity Title), Dr. John McGrath (Mount Laurel, NJ), Adam Sanford – (Colt’s Neck, NJ) Pres. Adam Spence Corp. purchased by Spectrum Plastics Group (Wall Twp., NJ), Ret. Colonel Olaf Holm Commandant USAF Air Advisors Joint Base MDL, and many more!

Always being inspired by my wife Angela, a certified teacher of the handicapped, I devote much of my off-time as Co-Founder and President of the Elderberry Foundation, Inc., helping children with developmental disabilities. I enjoy spending time with my wife and two children, Christopher (20yrs) and Hannah (16yrs).

I am a light-hearted individual and have always enjoyed the Marvel character Spiderman. My personal life and work ethic are influenced by his slogan: “With great power comes great responsibility”. Giving back to others and making a true difference in the world is what motivates me daily to do and be my very best.

I can assure you that I bring this same very inspiring can-do attitude to every single landscape design/ build project that we touch.

Thank you in advance for considering us for your next project.

Very truly yours,

Christopher W. Kendzierski, LLA – President

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